Become an Editor

The Role of the Editor at Scientia International

Scientia International gives its Scientific Editors a high level of responsibility: they form an International Committee of prominent researchers who ensure that the publisher is a channel for disseminating innovative research, carried out with rigor and integrity. This group is called the International Committee of Scientific Editors.

Expertise and Representativeness:

Scientific Editors are more than experts in their respective fields; they are the voice of the scientific communities they represent. They take the lead in contemporary debates on practices such as open access, open data, open science, and the ongoing evolution of peer review.

Committee Commitments:

  • Scientific Diversity: They ensure the publication of research across all scientific disciplines, valuing technical rigor over mere novelty.

  • Innovation in Publishing: They are constantly seeking innovative methods and practices in academic publishing.

  • Community Engagement: They maintain open dialogue with scientific communities, paying particular attention to the experience of authors and reviewers who collaborate with Scientia International.

  • Policy Definition: They actively work to shape the publisher’s objectives, policies, and future trajectory.

Core Values:

  • Rigor and Objectivity: Each article is evaluated based on its scientific and technical merit, rather than on subjective metrics of popularity or trend.

  • Transparency: Under the CC BY license, all articles are accessible, and authors are encouraged to share their data, enhancing replicability and verification.

  • Integrity: Ethics permeate every decision, reflecting the publisher’s commitment to responsible research practices.

  • Efficiency: The publisher strives to reduce review and publication times, benefiting authors, reviewers, and the broader scientific community.

Ambassadors of Science:

As the faces of Scientia International, Scientific Editors also serve as ambassadors, promoting the publisher’s mission and values globally. They are crucial in establishing collaborative relationships, celebrating diversity in research, and identifying emerging needs within scientific communities.

Rigorous Editorial Process:

Editors are tasked with the critical responsibility of overseeing the peer review process. From initial assessment and reviewer selection to the final editorial decision, each step is conducted with the highest standards of care and attention.

Code of Conduct

Integrity and Ethics

All editors are required to uphold the highest ethical and professional standards in all editorial activities.

Impartiality and Objectivity

Editors must evaluate manuscripts solely based on academic merit, without regard to the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, nationality, or political affiliation of the authors.


Editors should not disclose information about submitted manuscripts to anyone except reviewers and essential editorial staff.

Prevention of Conflicts of Interest

If an editor identifies a potential conflict of interest regarding a manuscript, they should recuse themselves from reviewing it and inform the editorial team.

Responsibility and Responsiveness

Editors are responsible for acting promptly and responsibly in response to inquiries related to manuscripts, peer review, or other editorial matters.

Evidence-Based Decisions

Editorial decisions should be based on the rigor and quality of the work, reviewer feedback, and adherence to journal guidelines.

Transparency in Peer Review

Editors should provide clear, honest, and constructive feedback to authors and, if necessary, justify their decisions and recommendations.

Commitment to Continuous Education

Editors are expected to engage in ongoing training, staying informed on current trends and best practices in academic publishing.


Editors should work effectively with committee members and the editorial team to uphold and advance the goals and standards of Scientia International.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Editors should consistently seek to improve editorial processes, promoting innovation and efficiency for the benefit of the academic community.

Respect for Authors and Reviewers

Editors should always treat authors and reviewers with respect, recognizing their essential contributions to the journal.

Responsibility for Published Content

Editors are responsible for ensuring that published content adheres to Scientia International’s academic and ethical standards.

This code of conduct reflects the commitment of the Scientia International Committee of Scientific Editors to excellence, integrity, and transparency at every stage of the publishing process.

  1. Academic Qualification
    Editors must hold a PhD or equivalent in the relevant field and possess solid experience in academic research and publishing.
  2. Publishing Experience
    Editors are expected to have prior experience with editorial processes, including review management, editorial decision-making, and collaboration with authors. This experience typically includes having served as an assistant editor or reviewer for recognized academic journals.
  3. Publication History
    A history of publication as the lead author in high-impact journals, with at least three relevant articles in the last five years, is essential to ensure scientific expertise in the field.
  4. Impartiality and Integrity
    Editors must act impartially and ensure they have no conflicts of interest, including recent co-authorship ties or affiliation with the same institution as the authors.
  5. Global and Inclusive Diversity
    Scientia values diversity among its editors, aiming for representation from different countries, genders, and career stages to foster an inclusive environment that reflects global perspectives.
  6. Editorial Engagement
    Editors should demonstrate commitment to the journal by actively participating in the editorial decision-making process, overseeing peer reviews, and promoting the dissemination of high-quality content.

Scientia International fully appreciates the crucial role that academic editors play in enhancing and upholding the integrity and quality of our publications. Each approved article is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the editors, ensuring that the information presented is highly relevant, rigorous, and of the highest scientific standard.

To express our gratitude and acknowledge this unwavering commitment, we have introduced the Publisher Giveback Program. This initiative has a dual purpose: to honor the contributions of our editors and to encourage them to continue their exemplary work.

Privilege for Active Editors

At the heart of this program is special recognition for editors classified as “active”—those who have contributed to at least 12 publications over the past year. In recognition of their dedication and the quality of their work, these editors are granted the privilege of publishing an article, free of charge, in any of the journals managed by Scientia International during the following year.

This exemption is more than a gesture of appreciation; it aims to motivate editors to continue their diligent efforts while offering them a platform to share their research and findings without financial concerns.


The quality and reputation of Scientia International journals rest on the expertise and dedication of our editors. Through the Editor Rewards Program, we aim not only to recognize their contributions but also to offer practical incentives to those leading in academic excellence. We are committed to fostering an environment where merit is acknowledged and rewarded.

By submitting the application form to serve as an Editor at Scientia International, you agree to the following terms:

  • You acknowledge that you will have access to confidential information originating from authors, reviewers, and other sources, which is the exclusive property of the author(s) and Scientia International.
  • You undertake to maintain in strict confidentiality all data, information, and materials that you access in your role as Editor.
  • You will not discuss, disclose, distribute, copy, or use the information obtained in your position, except for activities directly related to your editorial duties for Scientia International.
  • You will not use the information for personal benefit, for the benefit of third parties, or in any way that could harm the author(s), Scientia International, or third parties.
  • You will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information is not disclosed or distributed accidentally or through negligence.
  • If you become aware of any violation of this term, or if you believe the confidentiality of any information has been compromised, you will immediately inform Scientia International management.
  • You agree to all the terms of the Scientia International Code of Ethics.
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