Convocatoria de propuestas: Publique su investigación en las revistas de acceso abierto de Scientia International

Call for Submissions – Publish in Scientia International’s Open Access Scientific Journals Scientia International invites researchers, scientists, and academics to submit articles to our open-access scientific journals, contributing to the advancement of science through inclusive, accessible, and globally available research. Our platform is committed to providing a space where high-quality research is accessible to everyone, […]

Scientia International lanza una plataforma de acceso abierto al conocimiento científico mundial

Launch of Scientia International’s Open Access Portal – A New Era in Global Scientific Knowledge Scientia International is excited to announce the launch of its innovative open-access scientific publishing platform, accessible at Our mission is to transform global access to scientific knowledge, making it freely available to researchers, academics, and the public worldwide, regardless […]

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