Types of Publications Accepted

Types of Publications Accepted

Scientia International welcomes original, peer-reviewed articles across all areas of knowledge. We encourage authors to familiarize themselves with our peer review model and editorial guidelines prior to submission. Specific guidelines for each article category are listed below.

Manuscripts may be submitted in Word (DOC or DOCX) or rich text format (RTF). While we offer flexibility in article formatting, a Word template is available. For questions about acceptable formats, please contact us.

Concise Report
These reports cover smaller, often preliminary studies or unique observations that can be succinctly described, accompanied by minimal illustrations or even a single figure.

Case Report
Case Reports should be original and provide adequate detail on a single patient case. Common cases are also valued for their contribution to standard knowledge.

Case Study
Case studies explore the development of an individual, group, or situation over time. They can be empirical investigations exploring real-world applications or theoretical contexts, including legal or hypothetical case studies used in educational settings.

Correspondence papers are short, peer-reviewed comments that relate directly to previously published work. Critiques should be scholarly, supported by existing literature or new data.

Note on Data
Data Notes are brief descriptions of datasets that encourage the reuse of research data, detailing the data creation process without including analysis or conclusions.

Essays are analytical or interpretative texts on a single topic, often including argumentative discussions or the author’s personal viewpoints.

Methodological Articles
These articles describe new methods, significant modifications of existing methods, or innovative applications of known methods. The review focuses on academic merit and clarity, allowing the method to be reproduced and applied.

Opinion Articles
Opinion pieces present authors’ views on current issues, contributing to academic discourse. It is recommended that different perspectives be presented, with a clear distinction between personal opinions and factual statements.

Policy Briefs
Policy briefs provide concise, clear analyses of policy issues, including practical implications and recommendations, and should be accessible to the general public.

Registered Reports
Registered Reports are empirical articles where proposed methods and analyses are reviewed before the research is conducted, helping to prevent inappropriate research practices. These are marked with a specific seal.

Research Article
Research Articles present original findings, including market studies, qualitative, observational, or empirical research.

Revisions (Reviews)
Reviews offer a balanced, comprehensive overview of recent advances in a specific field or topic.

Articles about Software Tools
These articles should justify the development of a new software tool, detailing the code and providing examples of expected input and output datasets.

Study Protocols
Study Protocols describe the design of a research study in detail. Protocols for Systematic Reviews should be registered in advance. Pre-protocols and pilot or feasibility study protocols are also accepted.

Systematic Review
Systematic Reviews address a clearly formulated question, using systematic methods to identify, select, and critically appraise relevant research.

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