Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

At Scientia International, we are committed to the highest ethical standards in all our activities and operations. Our ethics are based on sound principles that promote integrity, transparency, and excellence in scientific research and publication. We believe that ethics are essential to building a trustworthy global scientific community, and for this reason, we have established the Publication Ethics Coordination, available via email at

Ethical Commitment

Scientia International adheres to the principles of publication ethics established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and its essential guidelines, which guide our editorial policies and practices in areas such as potential conflicts of interest, authorship, misconduct, data issues, plagiarism, integrity in peer review, and editorial independence.

Our Editorial Boards operate independently, and Scientia International does not interfere in editorial decisions. However, we reserve the right to review editorial decisions in cases of ethical or legal concerns. Acceptance of a manuscript may be revoked if ethical issues or conflicts with our policies are identified. Manuscripts that do not comply with our ethical policies may be withdrawn by the publisher.

Ethical Verification

Scientia International conducts checks on all manuscripts to confirm compliance with its Ethical Guidelines for Publication. Some of these checks are automated, using advanced technology, while others are performed manually by the editorial teams. If potential concerns are identified, an academic editor will be consulted.

Plagiarism, Data Fabrication, and Image Manipulation

Scientia International maintains a strict policy against plagiarism across all its publications. Plagiarism includes copying text, ideas, images, or data from other sources, with or without credit to the original source. Any reuse of text must be properly cited.

All submissions are checked for plagiarism using industry-standard software, such as iThenticate. If plagiarism is detected during peer review or after publication, appropriate action will be taken in accordance with our policies.

Images must not be manipulated in a way that distorts the original information. Irregular manipulation includes the removal, addition, or inappropriate adjustment of image elements. If image manipulation is identified, the publisher may reject or retract the article.

Submitted data must be original and should not be selectively excluded, manipulated, or fabricated. This includes avoiding the selective exclusion of data points or result manipulation to favor a particular conclusion. We recommend pre-registration of methods and analyses.

At Scientia International, we follow the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) to determine authorship in manuscripts. The criteria include:

– Substantial contributions to the conception, acquisition of data, drafting, or critical revision.
– Final approval of the manuscript and responsibility for the integrity of the work.
– Collaborators not qualified as authors are acknowledged in the acknowledgments section.

Author Contributions

For transparency, manuscripts should include individual author contribution statements. In multi-author research, specific contribution statements from each author are required.

Consortium/Group Authorship

When authorship is attributed to a consortium or group, they are listed as authors. Individual members must fulfill ICMJE authorship criteria.

Use of AI

AI tools, such as ChatGPT, are not considered authors. If used, they must be declared in the submission and detailed in the methods section.

Deceased Authors

For deceased authors, notification is required. If the corresponding author is deceased, another should be named. Contributions and conflicts of interest must be confirmed.

Changes in Authorship

Any change in authorship must be made before the manuscript is accepted, with the approval of all authors. After publication, changes require an official correction.

Authorship Disputes

We follow COPE guidelines for resolving authorship disputes, avoiding unjustified retractions when there is no question about the validity of the findings.

In situations where disputes cannot be resolved by the involved parties, the journals will contact an appropriate institution or body for a final decision. Scientia International reserves the right to amend author lists in accordance with the recommendations of the appropriate institution or body.

At Scientia International, when reporting research involving human subjects, materials, tissues, or human data, it is essential to follow the guidelines of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki, revised in 2013. This requires approval from a local institutional ethics committee (IEC) or equivalent, ensuring compliance with national and international standards. The following points must be observed:

  • Ethics Declaration: Authors must declare in the ‘Institutional Ethics Committee Declaration’ section of the article the project identification code, date of approval, and the name of the ethics committee or IEC that granted approval.

  • Non-Interventional Studies: For non-interventional studies, all participants must be fully informed about anonymity, research objectives, data use, and potential risks. Ethical approval is mandatory unless local or national legislation states otherwise.

  • Informed Consent: Written informed consent must be obtained from participants for publication. Identifiable private information should not be included unless essential to the research.

  • Data Anonymization: Patient information should be anonymized as much as possible, avoiding identifiable details such as specific age, ethnicity, or occupation unless relevant to the study.

  • Permission Form: A model permission form should be consulted and provided following approval by the affiliated institution.

  • Publication License: Consent forms should include unlimited permission for publication in all formats and sub-licensing as required for open access.

  • Vulnerable Groups: If the study involves vulnerable groups, additional verification may be required, with provision of documentary evidence, including blank consent forms and related documents from the ethics committee.

  • Categorization of Groups: If groups are categorized by race, ethnicity, gender, disability, disease, etc., the reason for such categorization must be explained in the article.

The publisher reserves the right to request signed forms if necessary to ensure compliance with ethical policies. This ensures respect for participant privacy and adherence to ethical standards in research involving human subjects.

At Scientia International, when reporting research involving human subjects, materials, tissues, or human data, it is essential to follow the guidelines of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki, revised in 2013. This requires approval from a local institutional ethics committee (IEC) or equivalent, ensuring compliance with national and international standards. The following points must be observed:

  • Ethics Declaration: Authors must declare in the ‘Institutional Ethics Committee Declaration’ section of the article the project identification code, date of approval, and the name of the ethics committee or IEC that granted approval.

  • Non-Interventional Studies: For non-interventional studies, all participants must be fully informed about anonymity, research objectives, data use, and potential risks. Ethical approval is mandatory unless local or national legislation states otherwise.

  • Informed Consent: Written informed consent must be obtained from participants for publication. Identifiable private information should not be included unless essential to the research.

  • Data Anonymization: Patient information should be anonymized as much as possible, avoiding identifiable details such as specific age, ethnicity, or occupation unless relevant to the study.

  • Permission Form: A model permission form should be consulted and provided following approval by the affiliated institution.

  • Publication License: Consent forms should include unlimited permission for publication in all formats and sub-licensing as required for open access.

  • Vulnerable Groups: If the study involves vulnerable groups, additional verification may be required, with provision of documentary evidence, including blank consent forms and related documents from the ethics committee.

  • Categorization of Groups: If groups are categorized by race, ethnicity, gender, disability, disease, etc., the reason for such categorization must be explained in the article.

The publisher reserves the right to request signed forms if necessary to ensure compliance with ethical policies. This ensures respect for participant privacy and adherence to ethical standards in research involving human subjects.

Você disse:
At Scientia International, when conducting research involving animals, authors must adhere to the following ethical principles, in accordance with globally accepted guidelines: 3Rs Principle: Authors must adhere to the 3Rs principles, which consist of: Replacement: Replace animals with alternatives whenever possible. Reduction: Reduce the number of animals used. Refinement: Refine experimental conditions and procedures to minimise harm to animals. Care Details: Authors should provide details of animal housing, husbandry and management, including pain management, in the manuscript. Ethical Approval: Studies involving vertebrates or higher invertebrates must be carried out after obtaining approval from the appropriate ethics committee, as required by national legislation. Authors must declare in the ‘Institutional Ethics Committee Statement’ section the project identification code, the date of approval and the name of the ethics committee or institutional review board. Animal Owners: If the study involves animals owned by clients, the client’s informed consent must be obtained and certified in the research manuscript report. Owners must be fully informed about the procedures and risks associated with the research. Ethical Exemption: If ethical approval is not required according to national legislation, authors must provide an exemption from the ethics committee, explaining why approval was not required. Ethical Review: When there is no animal ethics committee available to review applications, authors must justify the ethics of their research, using the same utilitarian framework used by ethics committees. Authors may be asked to provide this justification even if they have received ethical approval. ARRIVE guidelines: Scientia International endorses the ARRIVE guidelines for reporting experiments with live animals and encourages authors to use these guidelines to report their research. Editors can request the ARRIVE guidelines checklist. Ethics-based rejection: The editors reserve the right to reject submissions that do not comply with ethical guidelines, including the ARRIVE guidelines, or that raise ethical or animal welfare concerns. Respecting these principles ensures that research is conducted ethically and responsibly, taking into account the welfare of the animals involved.
O ChatGPT disse:

At Scientia International, when conducting research involving animals, authors must adhere to the following ethical principles, in accordance with globally accepted guidelines:

  • 3Rs Principle: Authors must adhere to the 3Rs principles, which consist of:

    • Replacement: Replace animals with alternatives whenever possible.
    • Reduction: Reduce the number of animals used.
    • Refinement: Refine experimental conditions and procedures to minimize harm to animals.
  • Care Details: Authors should provide details of animal housing, husbandry, and management, including pain management, within the manuscript.

  • Ethical Approval: Studies involving vertebrates or higher invertebrates must be conducted only after obtaining approval from the appropriate ethics committee, as required by national legislation. Authors must declare in the ‘Institutional Ethics Committee Statement’ section the project identification code, the date of approval, and the name of the ethics committee or institutional review board.

  • Animal Owners: If the study involves animals owned by clients, the client’s informed consent must be obtained and documented in the research manuscript. Owners must be fully informed about the procedures and risks associated with the research.

  • Ethical Exemption: If ethical approval is not required according to national legislation, authors must provide an exemption from the ethics committee, explaining why approval was not necessary.

  • Ethical Review: When there is no animal ethics committee available to review applications, authors must justify the ethics of their research, using the same utilitarian framework applied by ethics committees. Authors may be asked to provide this justification even if they have received ethical approval.

  • ARRIVE Guidelines: Scientia International endorses the ARRIVE guidelines for reporting experiments with live animals and encourages authors to use these guidelines in their research reporting. Editors may request the ARRIVE guidelines checklist.

  • Ethics-based Rejection: Editors reserve the right to reject submissions that do not comply with ethical guidelines, including the ARRIVE guidelines, or that raise ethical or animal welfare concerns.

Respecting these principles ensures that research is conducted ethically and responsibly, prioritizing the welfare of the animals involved.

When reporting research involving cell lines, it is essential to provide transparent information about the origin of these cell lines. Scientia International maintains strict ethical standards to ensure traceability and compliance with research requirements. Below is an example of an ethical statement that authors should include in their submissions:

“The cell lines used in this study were obtained from the following sources:

  • HCT116 cell line: Obtained from XXXX.
  • MLH1+ cell line: Provided by XXXXX, Ltda.
  • DLD-1 cell line: Obtained from Dr. XXXX.
  • DR-GFP and SA-GFP reporter plasmids: Obtained from Dr. XXXX.
  • Rad51K133A expression vector: Obtained from Dr. XXXX.”

For de novo, previously unpublished cell lines, additional details must be provided, including approval from the ethics committee or institutional ethics committee, where applicable. Additionally, if the cell line is of human origin, confirmation of written informed consent must be included.

Scientia International maintains high ethical standards for research involving plants, whether cultivated or wild. It is essential to follow institutional, national, or international guidelines and comply with relevant conventions, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES).

Authors conducting research on plants must provide detailed information on the origin of the plant materials used in their studies. For non-model and rare plants, the following points should be observed:

  • Deposit of Reference Specimens: For rare and non-model plants, reference specimens should be deposited in an accessible herbarium or museum. These specimens are essential for confirming the identity of the plants used in the study and should include detailed information, such as GPS coordinates, collection dates, and appropriate documentation.

  • Waiver for Rare Species: In cases involving rare, threatened, or endangered species, authors may request a waiver of this requirement, provided they clearly justify the reasons for the waiver in the cover letter.

Example Ethical Statements:

“In this study, we used plants of the species Torenia fournieri. The cultivars Crown White (CrW) with white flowers and Crown Violet (CrV) with violet flowers were selected from ‘Crown Mix’ (supplied by XXX Company, City, Country) and kindly provided by Dr. XXX (XXX Institute, City, Country).”

“The Arabidopsis mutant lines (SALKxxxx, SAILxxxx, …) were kindly provided by Dr. XXX of the Institute, City, Country.”

Adhering to these ethical guidelines ensures the integrity and transparency of research involving plants and cell lines.

Scientia International’s policy on clinical trial registration follows the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and emphasizes the importance of clinical trial registration as a requirement for publication consideration. Here are the main points relating to the registration of clinical trials:

  • Clinical Trial Registration: Clinical trials must be registered in a public clinical trial registry at the time of first patient enrollment. This applies to all clinical trials, regardless of location or type of intervention being evaluated.

  • Observational Studies: Purely observational studies are not subject to this registration requirement. However, clinical trials involving the randomization of participants and classification into groups in relation to the intervention under evaluation must be registered.

  • Registration Rules: Authors are encouraged to pre-register their clinical trials in a recognized international clinical trials registry. Suitable databases include, the European Union Clinical Trials Registry, and registries listed by the World Health Organization (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform.

  • Registry Citation: Authors must reference the clinical trial registry in the Methods section of the article, detailing where and when the trial was registered.

  • Ethical Approval vs. Registration: Approval to conduct a study by an independent local, regional, or national review body is not equivalent to prospective registration of clinical trials. Both requirements are essential and not mutually exclusive. Clinical trials must be registered regardless of ethical approval.

  • Exception to Registration: In exceptional cases, if the trial protocol has been published prior to patient enrollment, a waiver of the registration requirement may be considered, provided the published protocol is correctly cited.

  • Refusal of Publication: Scientia International reserves the right to refuse any article that does not meet the clinical trial registration requirements.

Clinical trial registration is fundamental to the transparency, integrity, and quality of clinical research, ensuring that research results are accessible and reliable. Therefore, authors should strictly follow these guidelines when conducting and reporting clinical trials.

Scientia International requires that, when reporting the results of a randomized clinical trial, authors submit a completed CONSORT 2010 checklist along with a flow diagram. Templates for these documents are available on the CONSORT website ( It is essential that the article reports all items on the CONSORT checklist relevant to the study.

Scientia International follows specific guidelines for dual-use research. If a study poses a significant threat with potential implications for public health or national security, this should be clearly indicated in the manuscript. In the cover letter, authors should explain any possible dual-use concerns, addressing areas such as biosecurity, nuclear or chemical threats, or research with military applications. For peer review, the public or health benefits must outweigh the risks, and authors must comply with all relevant national and international laws.

We encourage our authors to follow the Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER Guidelines. This includes careful use of the terms ‘sex’ and ‘gender.’ The study should clearly indicate which sex(es) it applies to, describe how it considered sex and/or gender differences in the study design, provide disaggregated data where appropriate, and discuss sex and/or gender-related outcomes. If there is no analysis of sex and/or gender, the justification should be presented in the Discussion. Please consult the full guidelines before submission.

Regarding border and territory disputes, these issues must be respected when describing the research or providing contact information. The editorial team will seek solutions to potential disputes or claims, maintaining neutrality regarding jurisdiction claims in maps and institutional affiliations.

Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest that may influence the representation or interpretation of the results of the reported research. This includes financial interests such as employment, consultancies, share ownership, fees, grants, funding, or patent licensing agreements, as well as non-financial interests such as personal or professional relationships, affiliations, and personal beliefs.

If there is funding from sponsors who played any role in the study’s design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, manuscript preparation, or decision to publish, this should also be declared. If sponsors had no involvement in these aspects, it is important to state this explicitly.

Conflict of interest disclosures can be made during the online submission process or via the Scientia International disclosure form. Additionally, authors should include a separate section titled ‘Conflicts of Interest’ in the manuscript, placed immediately before the list of references, where all disclosures of potential conflicts of interest should be summarized.

Examples of Conflict of Interest Statements:

Conflicts of Interest:

  • Author A has received research grants from Company A.
  • Author B has received a speaker’s fee from Company X and owns shares in Company Y.
  • Author C has acted as a consultant and expert witness for Company Z.
  • Author D is the inventor of Patent X.

If there are no perceived potential conflicts, authors should declare:

Conflicts of Interest:

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

It is important to note that Scientia International does not publish studies funded by the tobacco industry. However, studies funded by other private sources, such as the pharmaceutical or food industries, should clearly state the funder’s role, including aspects related to topic selection, experimental design, data collection, and analysis.

Copyright and License: Authors retain copyright of their articles, meaning they have control over the use and distribution of their work. However, by publishing in Scientia International, they license their articles under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. This license allows anyone to access, download, and read the article for free, as well as reuse it, provided they give proper attribution to the original published version. This license promotes open access, facilitating knowledge dissemination and appropriate citation of published works.

Use of Previously Published Material: Authors must obtain permission to reproduce any previously published material in their articles, such as figures, tables, or text, if they do not hold the copyright or if the material is not in the public domain. This step is essential to ensure compliance with copyright laws and avoid legal issues related to the use of protected material.

Translations: Scientia International’s policy also allows for the possibility of publishing translated articles. If an author wishes to submit a translation of a previously published article in another language, they must declare this during the submission process. Additionally, it is essential to obtain permission from the editor and copyright holders of the original article. These measures ensure that Scientia International adheres to ethical publishing standards and respects intellectual property rights.

Patents: The policy emphasizes that the peer review and editorial process will not be delayed due to patent or intellectual property issues. Authors are responsible for resolving any patent issues before publication. It is essential to declare any patent applications in accordance with Scientia International’s Conflict of Interest Policy to avoid delays in publication due to intellectual property concerns.

These guidelines reflect Scientia International’s commitment to integrity, transparency, and respect for authors’ intellectual property rights, while ensuring that open access and appropriate knowledge reuse are promoted.

Scientia International’s citation policies emphasize the importance of correct attribution and ethical citation practices. Here are the main aspects of the journal’s citation policies:

  • Proper Citation: Authors must provide clear citations whenever using material from other sources, including their own published work. This ensures transparency and proper credit to the original authors. When quoting extracts directly from other researchers’ publications, these should be enclosed in quotation marks and accompanied by the appropriate citations, as recommended by COPE guidelines.

  • Balanced Self-Citation: Authors are encouraged to avoid excessive self-citation. While citing relevant previous work is acceptable, over-citing one’s own articles may indicate a lack of impartiality and should be avoided.

  • Reading the Sources Cited: Authors are expected to cite references only after reading and understanding the cited work. Copying references from other publications without having read the cited content is not acceptable.

  • Avoiding Favoritism: Authors should not preferentially cite their own publications, nor those of friends, colleagues, or their institution. Citations should be based on merit and scientific relevance rather than personal connections.

  • Exclusion of Citation of Advertisements: Citing advertisements or promotional materials is not permitted. Citations must be based on legitimate academic and scientific sources.

These citation policies promote ethical and transparent citation practices, ensuring fair credit attribution and a foundation in reliable and relevant sources. Compliance with these guidelines is essential to maintain the integrity of academic research and publication.

Scientia International promotes the open exchange of research data and encourages all authors to share their data. The data policies of Scientia International align with the TOP (Transparency and Openness Promotion) Guidelines. Here are the journal’s main data policies:

Data Sharing: Authors are encouraged to share the research data that supports the central findings of their articles published in Scientia International journals. Specific guidelines for data sharing can be found in the publisher’s ‘Instructions for Authors.’

Ethical and Legal Limitations: When ethical, legal, or privacy issues prevent data sharing, authors should highlight these limitations in the Data Availability Statement upon submission. It is essential that authors respect the consent provided by participants regarding the use of confidential data.

Data Availability Statement: Authors must provide a Data Availability Statement indicating where the data supporting the reported findings can be found. Suggested Data Availability Statements are as follows:

– Data in Public Repository with DOI: “The data presented in this study are openly available in [repository name, e.g., FigShare] at [DOI], reference number [reference number].”

– Data in Public Repository without DOI: “Publicly accessible datasets were analyzed in this study. These data can be found here: [link/access number].”

– Data Available on Request: “The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly available due to [insert reason here].”

– Third-Party Data: “Restrictions apply to the availability of these data. The data were obtained from [third parties] and are available [from the authors/at URL] with the permission of [third parties].”

– Data Sharing Not Applicable: “No new data were created or analyzed in this study. Data sharing is not applicable to this article.”

– Data in Article or Supplementary Material: “The data presented in this study are available in [insert article or supplementary material here].”

Data Citation: Authors must provide complete information for citing datasets, including the dataset title, data repository or archive, version (if applicable), and persistent identifier (e.g., DOI).

These data policies aim to promote transparency and research data sharing, ensuring that findings are based on reliable and accessible sources. Authors are encouraged to follow these guidelines to contribute to open and collaborative research.

In the peer review process, all participants, including Editors-in-Chief, Editorial Board Members, Guest Editors, and Reviewers, have the responsibility to ensure the integrity of Scientia International’s editorial process.

Ethical Issues and Communication: If ethical concerns arise regarding a manuscript or ethical information is received after publication, participants should immediately contact Scientia International’s Publication Ethics Coordination. An investigation will be conducted in accordance with COPE guidelines and Scientia International’s Comments and Complaints Policy.

Ethical Checks Before and During Review: Managing Editors and Assistant Editors conduct ethical checks related to ethical approvals, plagiarism, clinical trial registration, and other ethical compliance. However, Reviewers and Editors should also report any ethical concerns.

Recommendations and Decisions Based on Ethics: When making recommendations or final decisions on a manuscript, Reviewers and Editors should consider the disclosure of conflicts of interest, ensure the accuracy of the findings presented, provide sufficient details of methods and data, and evaluate the manuscript’s appropriateness concerning the journal’s scope.

Conflicts of Interest: Reviewers and Editors must declare any personal or collaborative conflicts of interest that could influence the review or decision. This includes financial or professional conflicts and any other interest that could impair fair and impartial review.

Types of Conflicts of Interest: Personal or collaborative conflicts, financial or professional conflicts, and other conflicts must be declared. Reviewers and Editors should not review manuscripts from authors affiliated with their institution, collaborators, friends, family members, or recent mentors. They should also not be involved in reviewing manuscripts with which they have financial or professional conflicts.

Confidentiality and Anonymity: The content of manuscripts, including the abstract, must be kept strictly confidential during the review and editing period. At Scientia International, we value transparency by employing an open peer review method. We publish review reports along with the article, providing greater clarity and trust for our readers.

These ethical guidelines ensure the integrity of the peer review process and promote fair and transparent review, ensuring that conflicts of interest are identified and handled appropriately. All participants should adhere to these guidelines to uphold the ethical standards of Scientia International.

Readers with concerns about published articles should first attempt to contact the corresponding author to resolve the issue directly before reaching out to Scientia International’s Publication Ethics Coordination.

If contacting the authors is not appropriate, or if they do not respond, the Publication Ethics Coordination is available to assist. This body will coordinate with the complainant, author(s), and Editors-in-Chief or Editorial Board Members to investigate, remedy, or resolve concerns or complaints.

Concerns related to the academic validity, ethics, or legal aspects of articles or their review process will be investigated as necessary. Final ethical decisions are made by the Editor-in-Chief or Editorial Board Members, supported by the Publication Ethics Coordination, to ensure compliance with COPE’s ethical publishing principles.

Personal comments or criticisms are not considered. All complaints, including anonymous ones, are investigated. Complainants may request that their complaint be treated confidentially, and all efforts will be made to respect this request following internal procedures.

Decisions on corrections, comments, responses, expressions of concern, or retractions resulting from an investigation are made by the Editors-in-Chief, Section Editor-in-Chief, or Editorial Board Members and communicated to the authors. Updates will follow our policy on Updating Published Articles.

The Publication Ethics Coordination and Editorial Board Members are not obligated to provide additional details unless further information evidencing concerns is presented. Complainants may not be informed of the status of an investigation until a final decision is reached.

Readers wishing to raise concerns with the Publication Ethics Coordination may use the Contact Form or the provided contact details, including information about the article, details of the complaint, any prior correspondence with the authors, and a statement regarding real or potential conflicts of interest.

Scientia International recognizes its responsibility to correct scientifically relevant errors or ethical issues brought to our attention. To offer transparency regarding any changes to our authors and readers, we have the following standardized criteria in place for updates to our published articles.

Minor Errors: Minor errors that do not affect readability or meaning (e.g., spelling, grammar, spacing errors) do not qualify for an update, regardless of when or by whom the error was introduced.

Metadata Errors: Requests to correct errors in an article’s metadata (e.g., title, author name, abstract) may be accommodated if deemed a reasonable request. Once approved, the article will be updated and republished on our website. Following this, all relevant indexing databases will be notified to ensure that database versions have also been updated.

Corrections: Requests to correct errors in the following cases may be accommodated, but must also include the publication of a Correction notice:

Errors that may affect scientific interpretation. For example:
– error in a misleading section of an otherwise reliable publication
– error in data or interpretation (that does not affect final conclusions)

Scientifically relevant formatting changes. For example:
– missing or unclear figures/tables
– Addition or removal of an author from the authorship list (including addition or removal of entire affiliations)
– Addition or removal of a complete reference
– Addition or removal of a significant amount of text in the article’s back matter. For example:
– funding, author contributions, acknowledgments

Once the update request has been approved, the article will be updated and republished on our website, along with the publication of a Correction. This notice is a separate publication that links to the updated article but is published in the most current issue of the journal. The Correction aims to notify all readers that a significant change has occurred in the article and that the revised version is now available on the website. Following these updates, all relevant indexing databases will be notified to ensure that database versions have also been updated.

Author Name Change Policy: Some authors may wish to change their name after publication. In such cases, Scientia International will update and republish the article and deliver the updated metadata to the appropriate indexing databases (note that all updates depend on database policies). Our teams are aware that name changes may be sensitive and/or private, for various reasons including alignment with gender identity, marriage, divorce, or religious conversion. Therefore, to protect the author’s identity, a Correction will not be published and co-authors will not be notified. Authors should contact the journal’s Editorial Team with their name change request.

Retractions: Occasionally, an article needs to be withdrawn from the research literature. This may be due to inadvertent errors made during the research process, severe ethical violations, data fabrication, extensive plagiarism, or other reasons. Such articles threaten the integrity of the scientific record and must be retracted.

Scientia International follows COPE’s recommendations for retractions.

If a Retraction is published, the original publication will be modified with a “RETRACTED” watermark but will remain available on the journal’s website. However, retracted articles should not be cited or used for future research, as they cannot be considered reliable. Retractions are published with the same authorship and affiliation as the article to be retracted so that the notice and the original retracted article can be properly found by readers in indexing databases. The Retraction notice will also be published in the current journal issue. Partial retractions may be published when results are only partially incorrect.

An article will only be completely removed from Scientia International’s website and relevant indexing databases in very exceptional circumstances, where leaving it online would constitute an illegal act or likely lead to significant harm.

Expression of Concern: For complex, inconclusive, or prolonged situations, an Expression of Concern may be published. If investigations into alleged or suspected misconduct in research are still incomplete or inconclusive, an editor or journal may opt to publish an Expression of Concern, detailing the points of concern and any actions, if any, that are ongoing.

Comments and Replies: If a reader has concerns about the reported findings or methods used in a specific article, they should contact the journal’s Editorial Team and, if deemed reasonable, may submit a Comment. Comments are short letters to editors from readers who wish to publicly question a specific article.

Once a Comment is approved for peer review, the Editorial Team will address the authors of the article in question and invite them to prepare a Reply to that Comment. The Reply allows authors to publicly respond to the concerns raised by the reader. If the reader’s claims are substantiated and the authors fail to adequately address the concerns, a Correction to the original article may be published, or the article may be fully retracted. If the authors do not provide a response by the given deadline or decide not to respond, the Comment may be published along with a note explaining the absence of a Reply.

Both Comments and Replies will be reviewed to ensure that:

– The Comment addresses significant aspects of the original article without essentially becoming a new article.
– The Reply directly responds to any concerns without being evasive.
– The tone of both publications is appropriate for a scientific journal.

While Comments may critique the work, they must not criticize the authors of the work. Comments should not reiterate disagreements already published. More than one round of Comment and Reply will not be facilitated when this discussion involves the same reader(s). Scientia International journals only accept Comment submissions on articles published by Scientia International. Further discussion may be recommended to occur in alternative forums.

Scientia International works closely with authors and editors to promote adherence to the core principles of publication ethics, as expressed by COPE. We encourage the use of COPE resources, available on their website. All manuscripts must follow standards of ethical conduct. When we become aware of ethical issues, we are committed to investigating and taking the necessary steps to uphold the integrity of the literature.

If you have any concerns regarding a published manuscript, we encourage you to send an email, providing as much information as possible. A member of our Publication Ethics Coordination team will reach out.

Publication Ethics Coordination


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